Basic web server backup script – MySQL and Apache

I was working on a dedicated server the other day and needed a quick script to backup the website and the MySQL database. The following bash script will do just that, simply modify the directory paths within the tar command to ensure every folder you need is included, the MySQL command assumes all databases need …

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Raspberry Pi Screensaver and Screen Blanking with Pidora

So I tried and failed to disable the screensaver and screen blanking within pidora on the Raspberry Pi. I was up against a time target and needed to find a solution. I needed the screen to stay live, with no screen blanking or screensaver, even when the keyboard and mouse were completely disconnected. I tried …

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Qualys Labs SSL Test – Incorrect SNI alerts

If you have run the Qualys SSL Test, you may have seen the following errors in your report: Client aborts on SNI unrecognized_name warning Incorrect SNI alerts If your unsure what SNI is all about, then the following quote from Wikipedia should bring you up to speed: “Server Name Indication (SNI) is an extension to …

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PFDAVAdmin Tool on Windows Server 2012 R2

Recently I had to get the PFDAVAdmin Tool (which is used for managing permissions in Exchange 2003 settings) running on a new Windows 2012 R2 server. I ran into issues where I would see the error: Could not expand https://localhost/exadmin/admin/ : Name cannot begin with the ‘0’ Following some research, I found these articles on …

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