I have just got an old iPAQ that no longer worked. After testing it, it seemed to be running off the mains adapter ok, but died when I unplugged it, I decided to get a new battery off eBay.
I fitted the battery with out any problems, charged it, and its working great.
I just removed the four T7 Torx screws, prised the back off (With care). Then used a small flat blade to pop the battery connector off the old battery. Fitted and connected the new battery. Then clipped the case back together, and replaced the screws.
iPAQ 3830 Spec
- 206MHz StrongArm Processor
- 32MB RAM / 32MB Flash ROM
- 16-bit 3.5″ Reflective Color Display
- CF & PC Card Expansion Jackets
- Onboard SD/MMC Card Slot
- IRDA Data Port
- Weight 190g
One New Battery: £10
(including postage)
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