There are bits of my CD collection that have never made it to MP3. I have spent the last few evenings importing them and have opted for MP3 @ 320kbps. This is to make them match the rest of my collection which has been stuck in iTunes to date.
I have previously converted some other odd tracks, eg: WMV to MP3. This will leave me with a full MP3 collection with only a hand full of Apple ACC files. I can then continue to use my iPod, with my MP3 collection.
My Next Steps:
- First, Convert the ACC files
- Second, Move away from iTunes.
- Third, When I have to replace my iPod, I will buy a player that supports MP3 and Ogg Vorbis.
- Forth, I will then convert my collection. I want to move from MP3 to Ogg Vorbis. (As the iPod does not support Ogg I am stuck with MP3 for now)
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