PFDAVAdmin Tool on Windows Server 2012 R2

PFDAVAdminRecently I had to get the PFDAVAdmin Tool (which is used for managing permissions in Exchange 2003 settings) running on a new Windows 2012 R2 server.

I ran into issues where I would see the error:
Could not expand https://localhost/exadmin/admin/ : Name cannot begin with the ‘0’

Following some research, I found these articles on the tool which may be of interest to you:

The key was the need for computer to have the following installed to ensure correct operation of PFDAVAdmin.

  • .NET Framework 1.1
  • Exchange 2003 System Manager

NOTE: It is advised you do not run this tool from the Exchange Server its self due to the versions of .NET framework.

Hope this helps, if so please let me know.

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