A number of people ask me:
- Where is the best place to buy office?
- Do you know any good sites to get freeware and shareware?
- Where can i get a free app to do…..
So here is my answer to them, they run windows, they don’t know about FOSS, they may never run Linux or even take the time to consider it. Why not start people on the road to a greater understanding about software as well as giving them a great app. It’s all about people understanding they have choice, one option is to buy a commercial office suite but that may not suit everyone. OpenDisc replaces TheOpenCD project of days gone by, and its a great thing. One disk packed full of great quality FOSS for Windows.
Don’t just show them one app, give them a disk full of apps, then tell them there is much more where that came from!
OpenDisc also provide a nice list of apps that are on the disk, available here. Maybe next time you help some one with their PC, or re-load windows for them, see if you can install some or all of these apps. They will thank you in the long term.